The Downtown Richmond Property and Business Improvement District (DRPBID) is a public-private partnership managed by Richmond Main Street Initiative (RMSI) and is funded by annual assessments on commercial, non-profit housing, and mixed-use parcels. DRPBID funds pay for services and activities designed to make Downtown economically viable, safe, and attractive.

District Boundaries

The DRPBID generally includes parcels along Macdonald Avenue from 6th Street to 16th Street, between Barrett Avenue and Bissell Avenue. Within the district boundaries there are 82 parcels owned by 34 entities.


Business improvement districts are a proven revitalization tool for downtown districts throughout the country. Examples of how these districts have benefited neighboring communities include Oakland’s Temescal DistrictDowntown Berkeley, and the Laurel District in East Oakland.

On July 17, 2012, Downtown Richmond property owners approved, by 75% (weighted by assessment), the Downtown Richmond Property and Business Improvement District (DRPBID), a self-imposed and self-governed property tax assessment to fund and expand established environmental and economic enhancements that augment base level City services. On July 11, 2017, Downtown property owners approved the five-year renewal of the district by 64% (weighted by assessment).

Since implementation, the DRPBID has built on the momentum and investments already made in Downtown and ensured the continuation of Richmond Main Street’s community events, economic development programs, and cleanliness and safety work.

Richmond Main Street & DRPBID

As a community-based organization, Richmond Main Street has the distinct pleasure to work with a diverse group of stakeholders who support our work, including residents, business owners, city government officials, and community organizations. We are proud to work with a group of committed, hard-working staff, board members, and volunteers who have helped RMSI attain remarkable achievements.

Richmond Main Street continues to experience great success with our signature activities:

Richmond Main Street is growing by leaps and bounds. We have a bright future ahead and expect to continue to be the catalyst for positive change Downtown. We invite everyone to join our efforts building on this momentum as we renew the DRPBID and strengthen this public/private partnership to revitalize Downtown.


Richmond Main Street Initiative, Inc.

Address: 1600 Nevin Plaza, Richmond, Ca 94801

Phone: (510) 236-4049

Email: director@richmondmainstreet.org

Follow us: Facebook, Instagram

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