Highlighting the Resilience & Innovation of our Local Businesses

Recently, Newton Luu, owner of LeChat Nails gave our Executive Director Vivian Wong a wonderful tour of their Downtown facility’s brand new hand sanitizer production line.

Mr. Luu has been in the nail polish manufacturing industry for the past twenty years employing up to 30 team members, right here in Downtown Richmond.

When the shelter in place orders went into effect in March, LeChat Nails experienced a significant disruption to the business due to nail salons being required to close in order to help mitigate the spread of COVID19. Mr. Luu acted quickly and set his sights on retooling his facility to help fill the local (and global) demand for hand sanitizer. 

Along with his engineer, Praveen Viswanathan, Mr. Luu are modern day MacGyvers! To successfully transition the facility and meet industry requirements of hand sanitizer production, they purchased new machinery and made many upgrades.  

LeChat Nails’ pivot to producing FDA approved hand sanitizer is a win-win for Mr. Luu and Downtown: the facility is producing essential supplies in the fight against the COVID19 pandemic and providing jobs for local residents. 

Richmond Main Street is partnering with LeChat Nails to provide PPE for Downtown businesses and residents. Our Travis Credit Union Foundation campaign is currently raising funds to purchase hand sanitizer, masks, and face shields from local manufacturers and distribute them to the Downtown community free of charge. Now through September 30, you can help protect lives and livelihoods by donating to our campaign. 100% of your contribution will go towards this important cause and will be matched dollar for dollar by Travis Credit Union Foundation! 

Here’s How
Visit www.tcufund.org/ways-to-give
Choose your amount
Select “Richmond Main Street Initiative” in the 1st drop down
Spread the word!

Details about giving via check, bank visit, or wire transfer can be found here.

In addition to hand sanitizer, LeChat also offers cloth masksface shields, and sneeze guards; all are available for purchase at www.lechatnails.com.