Closing out June with important COVID-19 public service announcements:

Reopening Timeline Paused: Due to recent sharp increases in COVID-19 patients in the County (increased by 75% from June 15 to June 29), Contra Costa Health Services has suspended the reopening timeline in order to protect community health. Businesses and activities scheduled to resume on and after July 1 must remain closed until further notice.

Protect Community Health: We join CCHS in encouraging all residents to get tested and continue to practice prevention measures:

  • Cover your face – wearing a face mask protects you and protects others
  • Maintain your space – 6ft or more, as much as possible when in public spaces
  • Wash your hands – frequently and thoroughly (at least 20 seconds) to kill germs
  • Stay home – as much as possible and especially if you are feeling ill

Testing Just got a Little Easier: A new testing site at Kennedy High School opens today! Testing at other County facilities continues. Tests are free for Contra Costa County residents, regardless of insurance, citizenship, or symptoms status Learn more & make your appointment.

If you have any questions about today’s announcement or COVID-19, call the County’s Coronavirus Hotline: 1 (844) 729-8410 (open daily, 8am-5pm).

THIS WEEK’S TOP #SupportLocalSafely PICKS

Farm Fresh Groceries

  • Fresh Approach Mobile Farmers Market – Rolls into Richmond on Wednesdays. 50% discount available to everyone right now. Learn More
  • Urban Tilth – Organic, Richmond-grown produce delivered to your door! Learn More
  • Happy Lot Farm & Garden – Roll up your sleeves in exchange for goodies fresh off the vine Learn More
  • Cafe Soleil – Essential Pantry Boxes for delivery or pick-up Learn More

More: Downtown Businesses Directory

Top COVID19 Resources for Small Business & Residents

For All

For Small Businesses

More Help: Check out Our COVID-19 Community Resource Directory