There’s no denying we are all living in challenging and uncertain times as we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why it’s more important than ever that everyone responds to Census 2020…and that we celebrate the little things that make a big impact. 

In just 2 days, join us in enjoying the good things that April 1st will bring: sunshine, springtime flowers, and the big impact that your Census 2020 response will make!

Thankfully, the Census is a social distancing approved activity and it has never been easier to respond in the comfort and safety of your own home!

By now, all households should have received a notification in the mail inviting them to respond to the census. You can fill out the census online at, by phone (numbers available in 13 languages at this link), or by mail. Anyone who has not completed their Census questionnaire either online or via phone by mid-April, will be sent a paper form. Starting mid-May, the Census Bureau will begin sending out Enumerators to follow up with households who haven’t responded. The best way to ensure your household gets counted AND you help protect community health, is to complete your census right now!

Make sure to count everyone living in your household as of April 1, 2020. Remember, your responses are confidential and will shape how much federal funding and civic representation our community gets for the next decade. When you’ve completed your census: CELEBRATE! Post a picture on your social media using #CountMeIn #CoCoCounts.

Still have questions about how to respond to Census 2020? Check out our Census 2020 page

For more information about Census 2020 and Contra Costa County’s efforts visit

Visit for updates on County offices and services and resources during COVID-19 shelter-in-place order.