by Richmond Main Street | Feb 26, 2020 | Partner Announcements
Richmond Main Street is a partner in Contra Costa County’s Census 2020 work. This post is part of our efforts to ensure a complete count for our community. Census 2020 kicks off in just a FEW WEEKS! Can we count you in? Starting Thursday, March 12, households...
by Richmond Main Street | Feb 24, 2020 | Main Street News
Friday’s premiere of Downtown (Re)Discovered was….awesome! It was an absolutely incredible opportunity to showcase the homegrown talent of our young creatives and leaders. And the perfect way to kickstart the weekend. The series is also now LIVE on our...
by Richmond Main Street | Feb 17, 2020 | Partner Announcements
Guest post by LifeLong Medical Care: LifeLong Medical Care provides high-quality medical, dental, and mental health services to people of all ages. LifeLong William Jenkins Health Center services include: Prenatal Care Pediatric Care Family Care Older Adult...
by Richmond Main Street | Feb 14, 2020 | Main Street News
Don’t miss the world premiere of Downtown (Re)Discovered, a 3-part youth-driven and youth-created mini-docu series, that explores the history of Downtown Richmond and envisions its future through the perspective of residents, businesses, and places. This project...
by Richmond Main Street | Feb 12, 2020 | Main Street News
A Fresh Approach program. Bringing you the freshest cargo from California farmers. 2020 Richmond Route When: WednesdaysWhere & Time:9:30am-10:30am | Richmond Kaiser, Harbour Way & Nevin Ave11am-12:30pm | Richmond Civic Center, 401 27th St 1:30pm-2:30pm |...
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