Guest post by City of Richmond:

The Richmond Fund for Children and Youth is seeking 15 Richmond and North Richmond residents to apply to be a part of the inaugural 2019-2020 Oversight Board! 

The newly-created Richmond Fund for Children and Youth seeks to support the needs of children and youth in Richmond and North Richmond by guiding grant funding to youth-serving organizations. By serving on this Oversight Board, individuals will help make a real difference in the lives of children, youth, and families in Richmond and North Richmond. Eligible applicants must be 15 years of age and older to apply.

Roles and responsibilities of the Oversight Board will include but are not limited to:

  • Ensuring that meaningful engagement is conducted within the Richmond community
  • Creating a strong foundation for this Oversight Board by developing policies and procedures
  • Assisting in the development of a Strategic Investment Plan that would determine funding strategies and grant-making for the next three years

Eligibility requirements include but are not limited to being 15 years of age and older, being able to attend at least 6 meetings per year and serving two-year terms (members under the age of 24 may serve a one-year term).

The Richmond Fund for Children and Youth was established after the passage of Measures E & K (The Kids First Initiative) in the City of Richmond in 2018.

Want to be a part of this effort? Submit your Oversight Board application today!


How to apply:

The application is available in both English and Spanish through an online form, a fillable pdf, or a paper application that is available on Paper applications can also be picked up at the City Manager’s Office (450 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 300, Richmond CA 94804). The application deadline is August 30, 2019.


For more information, please contact:

David Padilla

Richmond Department of Children and Youth

(510) 620-6523